Giving back has always been important to me. As a kid my family and I would always volunteer at church gift drives or soup kitchens around the holidays. I have a lot of fond memories of those times, and helping others as a family brought us closer.
This season I was so honored to be asked by SheKnows to take part in The Salvation Army #RedKettleReason campaign. This program encourages people to share their personal reasons for giving. I really enjoyed creating this video and reflecting on the importance of helping others.
The Salvation Army makes a huge impact in communities every year, they have served more than 4 million families during the holidays with food, shelter and gifts for the kids. Give and encourage others to give during the holidays.
Be sure to share your #redkettlereason and check out the video here.
Disclosure: This post is part of a collaboration between The Salvation Army and SheKnows.
Photo credit: Ariel Skelley/ Blend Images/Getty Images